Sizing Guides
Determining you or your partner's ring size or the size of a ring you already own can be achieved using either our free printable PDF ring size guide, plastic mandrel or full range plastic ring sizer gauge for purchase.
Printable PDF Ring Size Guide: To ensure an accurate reading, please be sure to uncheck all "scale to fit page" checkboxes when printing this size guide. You can either utilize the paper ring sizer to determine finger size, compare an existing ring with the circle guides provided on the page or using a string to size & convert the length to your corresponding ring finger size.
Open Vale Jewelry Ring Sizer PDF
Measure Own Ring* with a Plastic Mandrel: Position your mandrel with the skinny side facing up and carefully slide your ring along the mandrel until it stops. Do not force your ring down the mandrel but use slight pressure to ensure it fits snugly around the plastic mandrel for an accurate size read. If your ring has a stone or setting, be sure to position that towards the back of the mandrel (opposite of the number and line readings on the front of the mandrel) for the most accurate size reading.
Measure Finger with a Plastic Sizer Gauge: We recommend starting with a size larger than you think you are, and incrementally decreasing the size until you find the best fit for your finger. Sizes on this gauge are in half size increments only, but if you think you are in between sizes, we recommend going with the quarter size between (i.e. a 6.75 instead of a 6 or 6.5). If ordering directly on our website, you can select either the nearest whole or half size to your actual finger size and then add your specific quarter ring size in the notes for us to match.
Purchase a Plastic Sizer Gauge
*For all sizing methods, be sure you are doing so on or with the specific finger (and hand) you will be wearing the ring on. Typically engagement and wedding rings are worn on one's left hand ring finger.